A Jew and A Gentile Walked Into a Bar …. Mitzvah – Co-hosts are special guests on our good friends’ podcast [LDT093]

Charles Bretan & Chris Henson

For the first time, Lovers, we have been invited onto another podcast. Our good friends, Charles Bretan and Chris Henson (the very Jew and Gentile who walked into that Bar …. Mitzvah) invited Kristin and me onto their podcast to have a rich and exploratory conversation about the biblical question: Is there a difference between your neighbor and the stranger, and how this applies to the huge immigration issues plaguing the world today. We had a great time discussing this serious topic, and we had a ball kidding around with these two. Both podcasts are publishing the discussion this week.

To make it even more fun (at least for Russ. Kristen doesn’t smoke) Chris and Charles are thorough cigar nerds, so the discussion of tobacco wrappers, humidores and all was a real bonus.

You can find A Jew and A Gentile Walked Into a Bar …. Mitzvah at :  www.CharlesAndChris.net. They have the show notes for this and all of their episodes, and also this is where each of them blogs. So it’s pretty good.

and on Faceook:   facebook.com/ajewandagentile


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