Restorative Justice: with Don & Peggy Shriver [LDT031]

Don Shriver
Don Shriver
Peggy Shriver
Peggy Shriver

Today’s episode of Love in a Dangerous Time is with two of the elders of the progressive Christian community here in New York City, Rev. Dr. Donald Shriver and his wife Peggy Shriver. In the interview, I’ll share some of their accomplishments in their respective careers, but today we’re focusing on a project that has occupied much of their attention in their retirement years, the theory and practice of Restorative Justice.  In our society, where criminals are constantly being killed by the state, and the commercial prison industry houses an incredible percentage of our population, Don and Peggy are part of the world wide movement of people looking at ways to use the criminal justice system to restore community, by bringing persons who hurt others in the crimes they commit back to their families and loved ones by emphasizing recompense and restoration. There have been thousands of successful cases of healing rather than punishment over the last couple of decades that offer a much brighter future for our communities.


In the interview we also talk about the possibility of using the principals of Restorative Justice on an international level, to heal some mind numbingly difficult situations of oppression and post-colonial rebuilding. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa is the most well-known example of this.


One word on the sound quality of the program. As I’ve mentioned from time to time, New York is not a place where a podcaster is likely to have a sound proof studio. In this case, I took my equipment to the Shriver’s apartment and we recorded at their dining room table. So there are lots of trucks going by and just the normal noises of city living. I’ve used some of the digital magic that exists to make podcasts sound good, but it’s not perfect. I’m sure, however, that you’ll find the information in this interview compelling and the personal witness of these two committed seniors inspiring.



Links to books, etc. coming tomorrow

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