IF WE LOSE SIGHT OF THE IMPERITIVE OF LOVE, THEN WE’RE JUST LOST – an open ended discussion with Nkosi Anderson re Nazis and the like [LDT091]

Nkosi Anderson

This episode has no agenda other than to talk through some of the big issues that arose this week with the emergence of organized and armed racists folk in Charlottesville, VA. Neo-Nazis, The Klan, The Alt-Right – lots of racists – lots of anti-semites – lots of anger – lots of weapons. It was a big eye-opener for many of us who look for a world where racism is a thing of thepast.

Russ speaks with Nkosi Anderson, a Ph.D. candidate at Union Seminary, who is not only a brilliant scholar, but a committed activist. The idea was to just think it through a little bit, together. They got a pretty good start on a conversation that will doubtless go on for the rest of all our lives.

We should all start having these conversation. Stay up all night with a couple of friends and really be honest about your fears, confusions, insights and commitments.

In the talk, they mentioned a couple of other podcasts that Lovers may be interested in:

Nazis and their friends at the August 12, 2017 rally in Charlottesville, VA

Crackers and Grape Juice Podcasthttps://www.stitcher.com/podcast/teer-hardy/crackers-grape-juice/e/51153397

  • Panel discussion of clergy. Representing several podcasts. Some attended, in clergy clothes, to witness and stand between counter-demonstrators and Nazis. A very frank discussion about our role as Christians.

Criminal – Episode 43: “39 Shots”

http://thisiscriminal.com/episode-43-39-shots-in-greensboro-5-19-2016/Greensboro 1979

  • A documentary on the 1979 Greensboro Massacre. Lots of very interesting interviews.
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