COP 22 Bends Towards COP23

Rev. Donna Schaper, of Judson Memorial Church in New York, sends another missive from the COP22 Climate Summit in Marrakesh, Morocco. 

COP22 is either over or just begun.  The big take aways from this meeting for an American is that she needs to become a second lieutenant, not a captain.  We are now in a world of multiple players with extraordinary capacities.  China will surely be the new world leader on climate change.  Most of you are aware that Donald Trump has selected Myron Ebell from the Competitive Enterprise Institute (and prominent climate change skeptic) to head up the EPA Transition team (and potentially become EPA Administrator).  If a climate denier gets high environmental office, this trend towards China and lieutenancy will only increase….. (To read more, click on the icon for the .pdf version.)


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