christmastruce2Not many have heard about it, but in the first winter of World War I, on Christmas Eve, thousands of soldiers on both sides of the war (British, French & German) simply put their weapons down and temporarily stopped the war in order to celebrate Christmas together. It’s an amazing reminder that we, the regular people, can say “No” to the empire and refuse to fight their wars. An important lesson for us today.

This is a brief episode. I’m taking some time off till January. Happy Holidays to you all.




Joyeaux Noel (feature length movie) – at Amazon

The Christmas Truce (History Chanel Documentary) – Seems to be unavailable now(!)

John McCutcheon, “Christmas in the Trenches” – on the album, Winter Solstice Here

Silent Night: The Story of the World War I Christmas Truce, by Stanley Weintraub – Here

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